Master Needlepointer Program

The Master Needlepointer Program is a qualification process for needleworkers wishing to demonstrate their technical excellence using needle and thread.  Two levels of recognition can be achieved.  The Master Needlepointer level will be awarded after satisfactory evaluation of the first four stages.  The stages begin with basic techniques and progress to intermediate and advanced stitches, both needlepoint and counted thread, and the use of textural stitches and color to produce depth.  You may use supplied designs, commercial designs, or create your own for any stage in the Master Needlepointer level.  The Master Needlepointer level can be accomplished in a little as two years, but you can proceed at your own pace, completing the first four stages within five years.  Senior Master Needlepointer will be awarded with the completion of two additional stages that require the creation of original designs, application of color theory, and advanced stitching techniques.  Contact us at

Teaching, promoting and preserving the art of Needlepoint

100 East Washington Street, Springfield, IL 62701
P: 856.380.6911 F: 856.439.0525 E:

© 1997, American Needlepoint Guild, Inc.